Day 10 - 30 Poems in 30 Days

NaPoWriMo Assignment - Day 10: Once upon a time, poetry was regularly used in advertisements, most notably the Burma-Shave ads:  Today's, challenge is to write your own advertisement-poem. You don’t need to advertise Burma-Shave. Any product (or idea) will do. Perhaps you could write a poem advertising poetry? It certainly could use the publicity!


Pause For Poetry

Sometimes we want to pause and breathe
Pay homage to a blooming tree.
To know that we are not alone
To feel some words down in our bones.
We need to send our love or loss
To leave this world of hard chaos.
So take a little time today
And tell us what you have to say.
To live a life above ho-hum
Just stop and read, or write a poem.

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